tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post3653292784174512359..comments 2011-10-20T23:14:57.192-07:00 Comments on No Debt MBA: Food for thought No Debt MBA http://www.blogger.com/profile/00652771193703317326 [email protected] Blogger 2 1 25 tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-5521639533737721139 2011-10-20T23:14:57.192-07:00 2011-10-20T23:14:57.192-07:00 Been a while since I&#39;ve visited your blog! I&#... Been a while since I&#39;ve visited your blog! I&#39;m impressed by the fact that you&#39;re able to keep up with the posts after school started. I&#39;ve completely given up trying to follow any sort of consistent post schedule with all the activities going on. <br /><br />I don&#39;t know if you ever published what school you were going to, but I&#39;m at Booth right now and we have the grade non-disclosure policy. And in my opinion, the whole grade nondisclosure thing doesn&#39;t mean anything. If an employer really wants to find out what you&#39;re grades are, they&#39;ll just ask questions like whether you made dean&#39;s honor list or something, to get a ballpark idea of how classes are going. <br /><br />There are literally tons of loopholes around this issue. But I also agree with the point that most of the students here are pretty smart and hard working, so seems like most of the 2nd years i&#39;ve talked to get good grades regardless. <br /><br />Hope school is going well for you! Paul http://www.imamoneygrubber.com [email protected] tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-838224159346696179 2011-10-17T11:55:49.267-07:00 2011-10-17T11:55:49.267-07:00 Grades aren&#39;t the only way to encourage rigor,... Grades aren&#39;t the only way to encourage rigor, because professors can still hold students to high standards. <br /><br />I went to a small school where that was the case. I remember one student who came to a professor asking why she got so many bad comments when she was certain she wrote a great paper. Turns out, she did. What happened was the professor took the essay to her colleagues to tear up, since she couldn&#39;t find much to criticize herself.<br /><br />So while students don&#39;t worry about grades, professors can still challenge them. Anonymous [email protected]